Monday, May 21, 2007


We were greeted by a bear!

The sun is out and it is time to play.
The lake is beautiful.
Early morning mist, rolling over the water.
The water is still and quite.
Natures mirror.

Two cuties waiting for breakfast!

Play time on the beach.
Oh to be a kid again!


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I adore the very last picture! Awesome!

Carole Burant said...

Now that's the kind of bear you don't mind meeting face to face! lol I so enjoyed all the pictures...that last one is just precious, I would have been laying right down with him to join him:-) hehe xox

Kahshe Cottager said...

And were there bowls of porridge waiting for you too?? Looks like everyone was having fun!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Your little one reminds me of my littlest boy... if there is a teensy puddle of water, he's in it! Oh to just lay in the sand and play at the water's edge... little boys are sweet, aren't they?!!! =)