Tuesday, January 1, 2008


That's me off to my husband's X-mas party.
This was a week before the surgery.
This picture is one my Mom put together for me...
it made me smile!

This is the scar from my surgery.... not so bad!
This was taken one week after the surgery.

It will be gone by next year.

Yeah! I got to be home for Christmas!

A quick THANK YOU! to all of you who sent your love in this really scary moment and your prayers which helped me through and continue to help me heal!
Thank you for all the lovely cards that reminded me to stay positive.

Going through this has made me see things in a different light...my life is on a new road and I love it!

I am slowly getting around to visit you all again.

Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Thank you all again!



Bimbimbie said...

Welcome back and Happy New Year Ally
wishing you a funfilledhappyhealthycreativecakeofayear *!* Smiles x

Carole Burant said...

Look at you in that beautiful dress...va va voom!!! hehe Gorgeous!! Your scar isn't bad at all and as you say, once it's completely healed it will hardly even show. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!!! xoxo

Gina said...

So wonderful to hear you're back on your feet again Ally!

Wishing you and your family a truly fabulous 2008!!

Looking forward to hearing all about it through the year. Take Care [{(hugs)}] Gx

ps. what a gorgeous dress girl! :O)

Naturegirl said...

HUrrah Hurrah Hurrah! You came through with flying colors!!Whoo Hoo look at the lady in red!!
I knew that you were going to be ok..I know that you now stand on SOLID GROUND!
Ally wishing you joy peace and happiness and that all your hopes and dreams come true as we move forward into a New Year!hugs NG xo

zuzu said...

:: Hooray :: =^..^=

. : : DaNcE :: oF :: JoY : : .

What a wonderful way to start our New Year!
I could not have asked for nor received a better gift than to hear this, Ally!

And what a fabulous picture of you in that FABULOUS dress!

Goodness ... Half of any battle is attitude, guess we needn't worry about you! ::giggle:: you made the day brighter with your post! I'm So HaPpY for you!

xo =^..^= love, zU

Tea said...

Here`s to the new road Ally!!!


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love you!

dot said...

Welcome back Ally! I read this several days ago but for some reason forgot to leave a comment. Happy New Year!!

Andrea said...

WOW that is a nice looking scar. I had neck surgery August 2006 for two disks. They went through the front like you, maybe a little more toward the side. Mine looked no where that good a week later. It took almost a year before I could wear a high necked top that rubbed against the scar. It looks like yours is going to heal up good. So glad everything is looking good for you. Still praying for you.

May God bless you with a wonderful 2008.

Mosaic*Queen said...

Great Vogue Picture!!!!! :-)
I'm glad to see you're up and about and the scar doesn't look bad at all. My grandmother had a similar surgery way back in the day and her scar was HUGE. I guess we've come a long way since then!
Hugs to you!

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

your spirit seems so up...i am glad that this part is behind you and that you look so beautiful in your party dress...make sure that you massage the scar when it is possible...it will help later...you go girl...hugs, rebecca

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

how are you?
thinking of you...

Andrea said...

Just checking back in to see how you are doing. I hope you are doing all right. Still praying for you.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...
