Sunday, October 14, 2007

hunny party

Today was my sons second Birthday Party.
He wanted a Hunny Bear party....Winnie The Pooh.

I made him a Hunny Bear cake.

...and cupcakes.

Cute little bees.

Yummy treats!

Candy apples.

Caramel apples too!

Happy to you!
You are now two!

A gift for my sis... from me!
Happy New House!

The day is over!
Bannik is having a rest in a empty box!


dot said...

Wow! YOu are really good with this kind of stuff. That is a beautiful cake and so different.

Carole Burant said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy! What a fabulous cake you made for him and the cupcakes are also truly are so artistic my friend!! Rice Krispies treats, candy apples, caramel apples....that's a party I would have loved to attend! hehe!! xox

Heather said...

Bannik looks done in! The cake and cupcakes look fabulous!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Happy Birthday baby cakes!
Lovely sweet Ally!
You are the best mommy ever(besides me, LOL)
I love your sister's gift too.
Very nice for my dia de los muertos day of the dead on Nov second.
Ohh! Dear Ally, you were gone for so long on vacation, that's all, You are still my lovely little sister, actually I am worried about you and I want you to be very healthy.
I am planning on meeting Pea in about two years and guess what, I hope I can meet you and your adorable beautiful mother (I wish her as a mother, too) that day too. You said yes? Right?

Bimbimbie said...

Great cake and treats, happy belated birthday wishes to your little man*!*

ally said...

Thanks everyone he had a GREAT HUNNY OF A DAY!!!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Heyy I want to see more pictures!
How are you Today? Children keeping you busy?
That is great then!

Tea said...

What an amazing cake!!! Beautiful.
So glad that your daughter`s name she picked was given to that cute possum. How kind of her to do that :)


Angel said...

That cake is so fun. I would have loved a pooh cake when i was little.
I particularly like the honey comb at the top with the splotch of honey.

Kahshe Cottager said...
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